offer · referral code

Dropbox referral code – Free extra cloud storage space

Need to send someone some files or photos? Got a work pdf or some family pics to share? You can get some extra storage space on your new Dropbox account. The simplest way to answer the question “How do I get more Dropbox space?” is to use a referral code.

Follow the link below to be redirected to but with 500MB of additional free cloud hard drive space, which will show up once you have created your account.

Please note, this will only work for people setting up new accounts, not as a way of expanding or adding more space to an existing account. It’s only for new customers who will get 2.5GB free rather than the standard 2GB to start with. It’s not much but it’s the best they offer and only just marginally better than nothing.


Click here to go to with 500MB of bonus space

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